Ice3 Cube Maintenance

Ice3 Cube Maintenance, All You Need is a Grease Gun

Ice3 Cube Maintenance: More Savings

When asked what it takes to maintain an ice3 an operator at Merrimack College, after a year of run time, said beyond the cooling tower all you need is a grease gun. Operators that have transitioned from ammonia or industrial systems cannot believe how simple the ice3 Cubes are to maintain. The days of daily checks and dealing with oil both in and out of the plant are long gone.

Ice3 Cube Maintenance: No More Hazardous Training/Equipment

Campus environmental and safety personnel are relieved when ammonia refrigeration rooms are reclassified to mechanical rooms. The days of specialty training hazardous material and pressure vessels are gone. At Phillips Academy Andover the annual insurance inspections were reviewed and deemed no longer needed when ice3 Cubes were installed. The warning signs at the entries and specialty refrigerant leak detection strobes were all removed as the threat of ammonia was removed and replaced.

Ice3 Cube Maintenance: No Special Training

The ice3 Cubes are all self-diagnostic and any issues will be displayed on the digital controller as well as the central controller. Typically on your phone, tablet and or laptop you are made aware of any issue before entering the room. Rather than putting refrigeration gauges on the provided ports we are able to verify operation through the digital controller – all with a push of a button. In addition to an alarm on the controller, we still maintain “old school” LED lights with Green for “Power”, White for “Run”, and Red for “Fault”. A glance when entering the room tells an operator the current system status of his plant immediately.

Ice3 Cube Maintenance: Common Sense Maintenance

The ice3 Cubes are so simple that Campus Facilities personnel and mechanically inclined operators service the modules without outside specialty service companies being involved for operational and initial fault checks. No reason to have service trucks parked outside with four hour minimums and truck charges. Our operator at Membertou First Nation in Cape Brenton Nova Scotia as well as Colgate University service the ice3 Cubes entirely in-house.

For a typical customer we do advise checks twice annually for ice3 Cube equipment and a thorough inspection of heat rejection and pumping systems (pumps, for example, should be greased regularly). These inspections are at a third of the cost of an industrial system. The heat rejection system such as a cooling tower, fluid cooling tower, or dry cooler are the only large part of any maintenance check. We are happy to say all you need to maintain an actual ice3 Cube system is a grease gun for the pumps.

Request a Consultation

The expert team at Emerald Environmental Technologies can help define and customize which ice3 Cube combinations are ideal for your community/municipal/outdoor, upgrade project, or collegiate rink. Emerald Environmental Technologies is based in New England and services the entire east coast up through Canada. Please contact us today to request a free consultation.